Stay Negative


The global Havas network commissioned six offices to provide creative responses to the COVID experience, one of which was Host/Havas.

Each response was given a spread in a copper-bound art book called Vaccine, 
a collection of ten prints from each agency, showcasing how creativity was the very first vaccine in the pandemic.

Stay Negative

Stay Negative

Embrace the pandemic paradox: staying positive while staying negative. A graphic representation that blends typography and iconography, delivering a visually striking affirmation that captures the confusion of these times.

Camera Status

Camera Status

Zoom calls reveal our camera preference: on or off. Now, it's an official identity statistic, akin to age, blood type and marital status.

Recipes from the last items in a supermarket after panic-buying

Recipes from the last items in a supermarket after panic-buying

From bare supermarket shelves, we salvaged random ingredients like whole nutmegs, liquorice-scented candles, damaged organic frozen strawberries, and a fennel bulb. In the spirit of lockdown, we made do and created unique "dishes" using these last-standing items.

Recipes from the last items in a supermarket after panic-buying

Recipes from the last items in a supermarket after panic-buying

Recipes from the last items in a supermarket after panic-buying

Recipes from the last items in a supermarket after panic-buying

60 Degrees of Misinformation

60 Degrees of Misinformation

COVID misinformation spreads like wildfire. A conspiracy theory is visualised through a network of sixty people

Are you still watching?

Are you still watching?

Amidst COVID news overload, we became desensitised. Representing our tuning out, we used the 'Are you still watching?' pop-up to replace show titles with blunt pandemic headlines.

Human Social Distance Rulers

Human Social Distance Rulers

Introducing human rulers: imaginary workers ensuring 1.5-meter distancing. A whimsical solution blending art and innovation inspired by the pandemic.

Making Light of a Shitty Situation

Making Light of a Shitty Situation

Explore Aussie COVID slang through a scripted conversation between locals, capturing the creativity amidst press conferences. Unique terms like "The Rona" and "Iso" that reflect the humour and resilience of Aussies in navigating this challenging situation.

Memoirs of Patient Zero

Memoirs of Patient Zero

Australia's first delta case immortalised through the trail of "areas of concern" - places he went while symptomatic - BBQ retailers, butchers, and restaurants. Explore the thoughts of this meat-obsessed individual from the perspective of the average Australian male.

City in a Syringe

City in a Syringe

The vaccine—or lack thereof—held us hostage for a chunk of the year. A city trapped in a syringe, a captivating collaboration with miniature scene artists Nix + Gerber in New York, showcasing meticulous craftsmanship.
